Our solutions

Single Customer View Accelerator

Match and deduplicate your customer data across multiple sources.

Featured on Azure Marketplace


Empower your organisation with a 360 degree view of customers.

A holistic and reliable view of your customers and their needs, preferences and behaviours is crucial for improving your customer service, marketing, sales and analytics and to help you deliver personalised, relevant experiences to your customers.

Customer data is one of the most valuable assets for any business, yet it can also be one of the most challenging to manage and leverage to achieve its full potential. You may have multiple customer databases from different systems, channels, and departments, each having its own unique identifier, format, quality and completeness.

Our highly specialised team of data engineers and data scientists will help you match and deduplicate your customer data across multiple sources, create a unique common identifier, link all records for the same customers, and publish your SCV data.

Streamline and enhance customer data by extracting, preparing, and profiling information from multiple sources. Utilise advanced algorithms, including fuzzy matching, unique individual signatures, record linkage, and entity resolution, to identify and consolidate duplicate customer records. Further refine classification models and ensure accuracy by manually reviewing potential matches, ultimately improving the solution's effectiveness.

Empower your customer engagement initiatives with Single Customer View Accelerator, matching and deduplicating your customer data across multiple sources to create a single, trusted, consistent, enriched record for each customer.
Efficiently unify and enrich customer data by extracting, preparing, and profiling information from various sources. Implement advanced algorithms, such as fuzzy matching, unique individual signatures, record linkage, and entity resolution, to identify and merge duplicate customer records. Enhance the solution's accuracy and refine classification models through manual review of potential matches, ensuring a comprehensive and effective approach.

A tailored, cloud-based SCV solution for a unified customer view across data sources, enabling personalised experiences.